Collection: Kia Puawai te Reo - Blended Delivery Te Reo Māori Programme

E te tī, e te tā, nau mai haere mai ki te ako i tō tātou te reo rangatira!

Salutations to one and all.

If you are interested in our Kia Puawai - Blended Deliver Te Reo Māori Programme, please email Whare at for more information. Kano 1 (Cohort 1) started on the 11 Feb, with registrations enabled until the 25 Feb, 2024.

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Awesome kaiako, enjoyed learning alongside them!

Pete 2022

It was so easy for me to follow along.

Alicia 2021

My confidence grew, he rawe (awesome)!

Nick 2021

Mīharo te mahi, rawe hoki ngā hua i puta (the work was awesome and greatly beneficial for me).

Christina 2022

It was hard sometimes, emotional, but worth it!

Tracey 2022

Honestly feel blessed we’ve had a chance to the learnings provided by them!

Caroline 2023